yah and sons minsitry

Get Your Free Lunar Sabbath Calendar-

Yah and Sons Ministry is dedicated to educating the TRUE Biblical Sabbath based off of the Creators Calendar as part of instilling in the hearts of Yah's children His perfect Law.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    “It is amazing how different the worlds Gregorian calendar is from this one! I love how every month begins and ends with the New moon! This makes more sense to me in the Scriptures now!

    Thank you, Nate, for making this available!”

    Fathom McKeown

    New Mexico

    What you get:

    You will receive a FREE copy of the Lunar Sabbath Creation Wall-Calendar for your home. It will include EVERY Sabbath day and Biblical Holy-Day integrated with the Gregorian Calendar so that you can easily Remember Yahs Sabbath day.

    You will also receive a downloadable PDF explaining the sound Biblical doctrine of The Lunar Sabbath as The Creators Calendar.

    What is it all about?

    Sign up for our FREE Lunar Sabbath Newsletter 'The Sabbath Recall' in order to receive your free Lunar Sabbath Calendar for your home.

    'The Sabbath Recall' Newsletter is sent out every Sabbath and Biblical Holy-Day, so having your copy of the Creators Calendar will be even easier to follow. Inside the newsletter you can expect to find Bible studies in the original languages of the Bible including Hebrew, Greek, and sometimes Latin. All of the texts are compared with the KJV of the Bible. Our studies are saved and accessible for free on our Blog website which is posted in every email. I like to share my favorite Sabbath book to read for the week including prayer requests. Sign up today and join me in bringing the Sabbath back!